Website Manager



Willingness to learn!
We don’t expect expert scorekeepers. Start with the basics and build from there. Scorekeeping takes practice and will get easier over time.
Be responsible:
• Show up 30 minutes before game time to prepare.
• Stay for the entire game.
• Follow game day procedures.

Be attentive:
• Focus on the game being played and keep friends, family and other things from distracting you.
• Keep your eye on the umpire, the batter, the runners, the fielders and every play.
• Communicate clearly with umpires, managers and league officials.



The scorekeeper is the official recorder of the game. Scorekeepers make impartial judgments that are consistent with Little League rules and record them in the official scorebook. Scorekeepers make judgments about every at bat, and account for every movement of a batter/runner or preceding runners. It is important to be familiar with Little League National and Local rules (copies are in the booth and on the website). When the game is completed, the scorekeeper’s recordings become the official record of the game and may be used to confirm statistics, standings or other information. As an official record of the game, it is important that a game is recorded as accurately and legibly as possible.

• Keep track of runs, outs, strikes, balls and other records of the game in the scorebook and on the scoreboard.
• Make decisions about plays based on "ordinary effort" (Passed balls, wild pitches, outfield errors, etc.)
• Keep an accurate pitch count per each active pitcher. If someone else is the official Pitch Counter then confer with them to make sure your records agree.
• Point out ineligible pitchers or players to the UMPIRE (not manager or coaches) to help prevent protests.
• Tell umpire when a pitcher will exceed their pitch count on the next pitch.
• Refer to umpires for final decisions.

• Make decisions that conflict with Little League Baseball Rules.
• Influence the outcome of the game.
• Point out batting out of order. This is up to defensive team to notice.
• Change scoring because of manager, coach or parent requests.
• Chase after foul balls or leave the scorekeeping area for any reason during an inning.

• Always use a pencil (with a good eraser!)
• Secure food so there are no spills on the scorebook
• Don’t hesitate to ask the umpire for clarifications (missed calls, etc.). Wait to ask until inbetween batters or innings. NEVER interrupt live play.
• Leave issues and arguments to the umpire to decide. You can ask managers/coaches to leave during discussions with the umpire.
• Start with the batter and record what happened to that player. Then, go up the lineup to the previous player on the bases and record what happened to that player. Process backwards until you’ve covered all the players on base.
• Work with an experienced scorekeeper for a few games.
• Remind yourself that you are a volunteer providing the League a service, doing the best you can.